Analogue Cameras
Quality and Reliability as Standard
Analogue cameras provide compatibility with existing ANPR infrastructure. All of our cameras use electronic zoom truEZoom™ to provide the greatest flexibility at installation. In addition the built in maxIRange™ synchronised pulsed IR provides industry leading performance.
Our range of analogue cameras and IR illumination combinations provide a choice of single camera day/night operation Sabre or Rapier Mono bandpass IR ANPR and Rapier Dual with a separate colour overview.
Available in many formats including x 12 Zoom x 37 Zoom all cameras are available in 25/50 fps composite video output, supplied with AVML camera control for ease of set-up this range of cameras can be used for both fixed and mobile situations.
MAV Systems provide OEM versions built into custom housings using proven camera optics, InfraRed (IR) illumination and control circuitry for fast time to market